Communication Channels

The College aims to promote effective and clear communication between all levels of the SPX community.

The following avenues exist for such purposes: 

SPX Portal is the main information hub for parents, students and teachers and includes such things as lesson plans, homework notices and attendance information.
SPX APP The SPX APP is designed for use on IOS (Apple) and Android devices and complements other forms of communication such as the Portal and Woodchatta (the College Newsletter). This APP is a simple way to keep up-to-date with current notices for College events and co-curricular information and is available at the Apple Store or on Google Play.   OR 
Social Media Social Media sites Facebook and Instagram
College Student Diary Planner
This is provided at the beginning of each year for students to record homework and reminders. The Diary Planner has sections for Teacher/Parent communication. It is full of other valuable information for students and parents.
Woodchatta The College newsletter is called “”. It is primarily directed at parents and students containing sections from the Principal, Social Justice, the Parents & Friends Association (P&F), Music Parents, members of the Leadership Team as required, Year and Subject Coordinators, Sportsmasters, Careers Department, Uniform Shop and Canteen Roster. Woodchatta is issued online each Wednesday afternoon with an email prompt and APP push notification to all parents.
51ԹNews This newsletter is for Years 5 & 6 and is incorporated in Woodchatta. Other Years have regular letters on their Portal page or via email.
Student Attendance Reporting non-attendance is essential. Details about reporting of sick, and other leave can be viewed HERE.
Parent Information Evenings These are held for Years 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 at the beginning of their academic year.
Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings Parent/Teacher/Student meetings for each Year group follow reporting periods.
Parent/Teacher contact Parents are encouraged to contact the College should any problems or difficulties arise. Homeroom teachers and Year Coordinators are the first point of contact. Appointments must be made to secure an interview.
Complaints Please follow the Complaints Procedure 
Parent & Friends (P&F) Meetings See College APP and Woodchatta for details of P&F meetings and events.
College Advisory Council The Council meets approximately 10 times per year.
Pius in Profile Pius in Profile” is the College magazine relating many interesting stories about current students and ‘old boys’. Pius in Profile is published biannually.
The Collegian This is the College Annual which contains a full report of the year.
This College Website This website carries information for the entire College community and the general public.
Annual Report Annual Report for the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) is prepared annually each July for the previous year (as mandated) and is posted on the College Website. (See also, the Federal)
Misc Publications and  Documents Various Publications and Reports, Statements and Policies are also issued from time to time as required.